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Dutch-English translation for: school
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Dictionary Dutch English: school

Translation 1 - 54 of 54


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NOUN   de school | de scholen
VERB   schuilen | school/schuilde | gescholen/geschuild
NOUN1   a school | schools
NOUN2   school [a day's work at school] | -
VERB  to school | schooled | schooled ... 
SYNO   school | school day | schooltime ... 
school {de}
2 Words: Others
op school {adv}at school
2 Words: Nouns
schoolplein {het}(school) playground
leerling {de} [school](school) student [pupil]
dans opl. balletschool {de}ballet school
bijbel opl. relig. bijbelschool {de}Bible school
opl. blindenschool {de}blind school
jongensschool {de}boys' school
gesch. opl. armenschool {de}charity school
opl. circusschool {de}circus school
dans opl. dansschool {de}dance school
dans opl. dansschool {de}dancing school
opl. sport duikschool {de}diving school
autorijschool {de}driving school
kled. opl. modeschool {de}fashion school
luchtv. vliegschool {de}flight school
opl. taal. taalschool {de}language school
mil. opl. militaire school {de}military school
opl. partnerschool {de}partner school
opl. basisschool {de}primary school
opl. relig. Koranschool {de}Qur'anic school
opl. relig. religieuze school {de}religious school
zeilschool {de}sailing school
schoolbel {de}school bell
archi. opl. schoolgebouw {het}school building
schoolgebouwen {mv}school buildings
opl. schoolcultuur {de}school culture
schooldag {de}school day
schoolbank {de}school desk
genees. opl. werk schoolarts {de}school doctor
opl. tuin. schooltuin {de}school garden
schoolvakanties {mv}school holidays
onderwijsinspecteur {de}school inspector
biblio. opl. schoolbibliotheek {de}school library
schoolmelk {de}school milk
genees. opl. werk schoolarts {de}school physician
opl. schoolsysteem {het}school system
opl. toerisme schoolreis {de}school trip
kled. opl. schooluniform {de} {het}school uniform
schooljaar {het}school year
opl. middelbare school {de}secondary school
opl. relig. zondagsschool {de}Sunday school
opl. dorpsschool {de}village school
3 Words: Nouns
dans opl. buikdansschool {de}belly dancing school
hondenschool {de}dog obedience school
jongensschool {de}school for boys
archi. opl. architectuurschool {de}school of architecture
kunst opl. designschool {de}school of design
opl. muziekschool {de}school of music
4 Words: Nouns
opl. blindenschool {de}school for the blind
opl. dovenschool {de}school for the deaf
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
vis T
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vis T
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