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Dictionary Dutch English: [in]

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ooit {adv}
once [at some time in the past]
spreekw. Als een oude schuur brandt, is er geen blussen aan. [BN][If an old person falls in love, there's no stopping him. Literally: If an old barn catches fire, it's hard to put out the fire.]
medeplichtig {adj}accessory [helping in a crime]
zodanig {adv}so [so much, in such a way]
zwak {adj} [b.v. een argument]tenuous [e.g. a point in an argument]
aantredento accept [a position in office]
intredento begin [set in]
intredento enter [go in]
zwevento float [in the air]
raffinerento refine [remove impurities, e.g. in metal, sugar etc.]
serverento serve [food etc., also in sports]
spoorw. spoorboekje {het}
timetable [in book form]
balie {de} [toonbank]
counter [in a hotel, bank etc.]
sport hands {het}
handball [fault in soccer]
taal. telwoord {het}
numeral [in word form]
kwekerij {de} [SN][A farm where plants are grown, in particular for saplings, flowers and fruits (including culinary vegetables), often without harvesting the entire plant unless it is used as a sapling]
Unverified bazuinkoor {de} [SN][a small brass ensemble, often with percussion, that plays festive and religious music in the tradition of the Moravian Church on special occasions such as birthdays and funerals]
Unverified basya {de} [SN][Amerindian assistant village chief; the lowest tier in the hierarchy of tribal authority]
loperij {de} [SN][going to one government or company office after another to get paperwork in order]
concubaan {de} [SN][male partner in a common-law marriage]
matjok {het} [SN][the local variant of mahjong most widely played in Suriname]
medeplichtige {de}accessory [helper in a crime]
theater akte {de}act [in a play]
overheidsinstelling {de}bureau [department in government]
brandplek {de}burn [in tablecloth etc.]
rei {de} [gracht] [BN]canal [in a town]
gieting {de}casting [sth. made in a mould]
groentela {de}crisper [compartment in refrigerator]
aangeklaagde {de}defendant [in main proceedings]
gastr. restaurantbezoeker {de}diner [customer in a restaurant]
tweesprong {de}fork [in a road or path]
valuta gulden {de}guilder [former Dutch and Surinamese currency, still used in the Netherlands Antilles]
sport horde {de} [in een hordeloop]hurdle [in a hurdle race]
genees. ziekenhuispatiënt {de}inpatient [also: in-patient]
media {de}media {pl} [in communication and advertising, often treated as singular]
tijdstip {het}moment [point in time]
vastg. studeerkamer {de}office [room in a house]
gifmoord {de}poisoning [resulting in murder]
opslag {de}raise [Am.] [in pay]
salarisverhoging {de}raise [Am.] [increase in salary]
opslag {de}rise [Br.] [in pay]
aandeel {het}share [e.g. in a company]
spoorw. dwarsligger {de}sleeper [Br.] [in railway track]
stand {de}station [in society]
woonwagen {de}trailer [Am.] [usually in a trailer park]
2 Words: Others
bij ons {adv}back home [in our country]
Met vriendelijke groeten,Yours faithfully, [Br.] [at the end of a letter in which the recipient is not addressed by name]
2 Words: Verbs
aan iets deelnemento engage in sth. [participate in sth.]
verkerento find oneself [e.g. in a situation]
inklappento fold up [fold in]
2 Words: Nouns
comput. AZERTY-toetsenbord {het}AZERTY keyboard [used in Belgium and France]
journ. kinderpagina {de} [in een krant of magazine]children's page [in a newspaper or magazine]
Koningsdag {de} [NN]King's Day [national holiday in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, marking the king's birthday]
film Oscarwinnaar {de}Oscar® winner [trademark in U.S.]
sport winnende tijd {de}winner's time [in a race]
4 Words: Verbs
dienen om iets te doento be used to do sth. [e.g. windows are used to let light in]
4 Words: Nouns
geogr. Duin- en Bollenstreek {de}Dune and Bulb Region [region in the Western Netherlands that features coastal dunes and the cultivation of flower bulbs]
5+ Words: Others
spreekw. Wie a zegt moet ook b zeggen.In for a penny, in for a pound.
spreekw. Wie A zegt, moet ook B zeggen.In for a penny, in for a pound.
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